HBP- Pocket Door Frame Kit - SINGLE - 2 x 4 Construction with 4- Wheel Ball Bearing Hangers 250 lbs
Door Heights available: 80", 84" and 96"
KIT INCLUDES- 1- Pocket Door Frame Kit
1- Hardware Bag
Wall- For standard 2 x 4 Walls
Weight Limits- 250 lbs Weight Limit
Wheels- 4- Wheel Ball Bearing Hangers
Studs- Galvanized all Steel Studs
Headers- Solid Wood Header attached to Track with Ball Bearing Roller
Hidden Pocket Door Guide - Hidden Bottom Pocket Door Guide Kit - fastens in between our Steel Studs and behind the Pocket Door Jambs. Made with thin steel with 2- fixed Nylon Guides.
Available for 1 3/8" and 1 3/4" Thick Doors. For minor adjustments in door thickness, move guide up or down. ** These are included with our Frame Kits
Also available. if you want a Pocket Door Pull or Lock you can add this to the Pocket Door Frame Kit.. this is not included with the kit.
Doors that are 24" to 28" Wide can only have a Soft Close, due to the size of the door. ** An option would be that you can use a Soft Close with an EZ Closer.
Doors that are 30" to 48" Wide can use both the Soft Close and the Soft Open.
**You can purchase the EZ Closer here:
*** No Doors can use Both Soft Open and an EZ Closer, since the interfere with each others function.
** OPTIONS for Our Pocket Door Frame Kits:
4- Wheel Ball Bearing Soft Close - Slides normally until Soft Close mechanism slowly pulls door into closed position against jamb.
4- Wheel Ball Bearing Soft Open- Keeps door from slamming against stud in back of door in wall.
**NOTE: Soft Close & Soft Open are the same units turned the opposite direction in the track
Pocket Door EZ Closer- The EZ Closer is made of a glass filled composite material.
It is easy to install.